PinnedMy Perspective at a Startup: Starting to AcquisitionIt all began with a message from my trusted mentor, Jackie Nevins, who mentioned a new venture led by Isaac Morehouse. A company with a…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
PinnedPublished inPrototyprFigure out what to do; Specialist vs Managerial trackWhen I was stating as a User Experience Designer, I came across an ocean of UX Job Titles. I was confused. There were -Feb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
Why You Should Strive for “Skin in the Game”If your strategy can hit you where it hurts, that’s your risk management…Jan 24, 2024Jan 24, 2024
Published inBootcamp“Quality vs Quantity: Which One to Choose at Work”It’s an enigma that keeps professionals like you on your toes, constantly striving to deliver stellar output while…Jan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
How to Thrive in Remote WorkMention ‘remote work’ and most people start thinking of the pandemic-driven world, where you’re in pajamas, in your bed attending the zoom…Dec 30, 2023Dec 30, 2023
Published inBootcampHow to Juggle Between ProjectsMy colleague/Manager Joel always uses this metaphor of having “balls in the air”; i.e, we have lots of balls in the air, and gotta ensure…Dec 15, 2023Dec 15, 2023
Published inBootcampTeach Yourself Anything: The Sandbox FrameworkWhat does it take to teach you a new skill? A set of teachers and professors? A well-established system with proven results? Well that’s…Nov 25, 2023Nov 25, 2023
Published inBootcampBest way to start a career: BootcampsI get to partner with many Bootcamps as a Business. Here, I see more of the…Jan 3, 2023Jan 3, 2023
Published inBootcampWhat people get wrong about helping others(social capital)By building social capital, you’re building doors for opportunities to knock upon…Dec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
Why I love EdTech spaceIs he an idiot? I think what he did with “3x6” is a creative genius. He…Jun 20, 2022Jun 20, 2022